How MAGA Republicans plan to make Donald Trump’s second term count
They think they know how to banish the chaos and frustrations of his first four years

THE OVERWHELMING memory of Donald Trump’s time in office is of chaos and resentment. It was summed up by the shameful end to his presidency, when his whipped-up supporters sacked the Capitol in a bid to keep him in power. Mr Trump has since lurched from an ignominious post-electoral impeachment to two criminal indictments, with perhaps more in the offing. The former president seems obsessed with relitigating his election loss in 2020: “I am your justice,” he thundered to a crowd of supporters this year. “I am your retribution.”
This article appeared in the Leaders section of the print edition under the headline “Preparing the way”
July 15th 2023
From the July 15th 2023 edition
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