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Candidate for Senate Pennsylvania ID: S2PA00638 REPUBLICAN PARTY

Financial summary

Time period
Data is included from these committees:

Total raised

Browse receipts
Coverage dates: 03/17/2021 to 12/31/2022
Total receipts $51,080,108.65
Total contributions $21,340,697.63
Total individual contributions $20,719,872.63
Itemized individual contributions $12,970,340.82
Unitemized individual contributions $7,749,531.81
Party committee contributions $55,200.00
Other committee contributions $565,625.00
Candidate contributions $0.00
Transfers from other authorized committees $2,395,994.59
Total loans received $26,796,343.81
Loans made by candidate $26,796,343.81
Other loans $0.00
Offsets to operating expenditures $108,240.78
Other receipts $438,831.84

Newly filed summary data may not appear for up to 48 hours.

Coverage dates: 03/17/2021 to 12/31/2022
Total disbursements $49,392,954.65
Operating expenditures $48,885,910.41
Transfers to other authorized committees $115,768.87
Total contribution refunds $69,845.73
Individual refunds $49,045.73
Political party refunds $0.00
Other committee refunds $20,800.00
Total loan repayments $0.00
Candidate loan repayments $0.00
Other loan repayments $0.00
Other disbursements $321,429.64

Newly filed summary data may not appear for up to 48 hours.

Cash summary

Coverage dates: 03/17/2021 to 12/31/2022
Ending cash on hand $1,687,154.00
Debts/loans owed to committee $0.00
Debts/loans owed by committee $27,078,782.81

Newly filed summary data may not appear for up to 48 hours.